Millennials have been dealt a lousy hand and employers now have to fix it

Late last year Simon Sinek was interviewed about Millennials/Gen Y (1981-1997) and the challenges that employers are facing in the management of this generation. This would be the most insightful discussion I have heard about this most complicated generation and below I have attempted to summarise the salient points. Simon talks about the “entitled” Millennial’s need to find jobs that provide purpose and impact, and y....
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The C-Suite is getting very frustrated with HR, but who is to blame?

Before we look at who is to blame and why, we first need to look at the underlying reasons senior management teams are getting frustrated with their HR/L&D teams.   These are the challenges facing the C-Suite: ?70% of Australian workers are either ambivalent or completely disengaged in their jobs - Gallup, 2013 47% of Australian managers believe their employee turnover is too high - AHRI ....
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