Conducting a Culture Check-in Survey for Organizations in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizational culture has never been a more critical success factor than in 2024. From employee satisfaction, to productivity, business performance, and ultimately, the bottom line. With continuous disruptions to the workplace around remote/hybrid work, AI integrations, and the increasing focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Truth is, conducting regular check-in surveys is a necessity. A questionnaire that deep dives into the emp....
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Building Leadership Bench: Junior Employees Deserve 360-Feedback too!

360-feedback surveys have long been hailed as a cornerstone of leadership development within organizations. Yet, they have predominantly targeted mid to upper management, leaving junior staff out of the equation. It’s no secret that 360-feedback surveys are a key ingredient in developing managers into great leaders and refining great leader’s self-awareness. However, the lack of application to junior employees remains a mystery. Organ....
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Leadership in 2024: What to Expect? What is Important?

We ended last year with a 2023 Leadership Checklist, where we reviewed the top five challenges that leaders and organizations were facing across the globe. In short, the challenges can be summarized with just one word – Uncertainty. Across the board, there were clear signs of leaders having a lack of confidence in themselves – their impact on their people, and their organization. Accompanied by the increasing lack of trust from employ....
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Navigating the Leadership Journey in Smaller Organizations: Leveraging 360 surveys for exponential growth

Given how dynamic the business landscape has gotten over the past few years, small to medium-sized business (SMBs) organizations are facing more unique challenges than ever before. Leadership, has always been a delicate topic in SMBs. Our team at MRS loves a phrase that we call – realisation point. This is where SMB’s are on the verge of breaking though into being a larger organization, but they realise their Senior Leadership Team (S....
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Top Five Things to Avoid in A 360-Degree Review

The 360-degree review process is one of the most powerful tools for gathering comprehensive feedback on leadership capabilities. Obtaining subjective feedback from peers, supervisors and direct reports offers valuable insights for a leader’s personal and professional development. However, this process isn’t without its dangers and challenges. As organizations seek to leverage the potential of 360-degree reviews, they must beware of th....
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Get Our Exclusive White Paper Now: Boosting Employee Engagement And Retention Through Leadership Strategy

In an era of quiet quitting and unprecedented staff churn, leadership's role in building a winning company culture has never been so critical. With the 360 degree survey sitting at the centre, organisations are able to determine whether their company culture is meeting and exceeding employee expectations, as it now needs to. MRS has developed a white paper to look at the strategy behind better employee engagement. In it, we share actiona....
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The Ten Things You Should Be Looking For In 360 Degree Survey Software

For businesses that want to truly understand the dynamics within their organisations, 360 degree surveys are essential. 360 degree feedback surveys have become a common practice in many organisations because the right application can gather detailed and actionable feedback from an employee’s peers, supervisors, subordinates, and even customers. That data can then be used for training, improvement, and driving a healthier culture across the ....
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Learn More About How A 360 Degree Assessment Tool Can Help Boost Recruitment And Retention!

An in-depth and far-reaching interview with MultiRater Surveys’ Managing Director, Mark Purbrick, drills deeply into how the right 360 degree assessment tool can help to find, recruit, and retain the very best talent in this difficult market. Companies face challenges in keeping and motivating staff at the moment. The “Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting” movements are impacting on businesses across all sector....
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Leadership Self-Awareness Case Studies: Are you being too critical of your leadership abilities?

“The report has nailed it. We need to make [Jane] aware that she's doing a much better job in every leadership area than she gives herself credit for.” CEO of the organization Snapshot: A 200-employee company recently conducted an organization-wide 360-degree review for their middle & senior managers using the MultiRater Surveys platform. In addition to the 360 Degree Leadership Feedback Survey Report they were able to access....
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First Look at Our Brand New Leadership Self-Awareness Report

Defining Great Leadership Over the last few years, we've been investigating whether there is one key factor that sets apart good, and great leadership. With the rise of Emotional Intelligence - currently one of, if not the hottest topic within the executive world - we believe our team at MultiRater Surveys have found an answer. It is Self-Awareness. Not only does Self-Awareness underpin great leadership, it is also the foundation to ....
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