Building Leadership Bench: Junior Employees Deserve 360-Feedback too!

360-feedback surveys have long been hailed as a cornerstone of leadership development within organizations. Yet, they have predominantly targeted mid to upper management, leaving junior staff out of the equation. It’s no secret that 360-feedback surveys are a key ingredient in developing managers into great leaders and refining great leader’s self-awareness. However, the lack of application to junior employees remains a mystery. Organ....
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Embracing the Evolution of Leadership Development: A Perspective Shift

In the dynamic landscape of leadership, the ability to adapt and evolve is not just a good-to-have but an absolute necessity. Modern leadership development goes beyond the confines of traditional skill acquisition; it embodies a continuous journey of growth and transformation. At its core, this journey is all about perspective—an ever-shifting lens through which leaders perceive, interpret, and navigate the complexities of their roles and e....
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Leadership Checklist 2023: Did your organization work on these challenges?

At the start of the year, DDI published their forecast on the leadership landscape for 2023. The expansive report highlighted critical challenges that C-suite executives and HR professionals will be facing for the next three years. At the heart of the report, was a simple question: Is it enough? Across 1,556 organizations around the world, leaders are questioning whether their efforts to engage and motivate their people are enough. From C....
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The gap between employee burnout and company awareness. Why this matters

A recent survey conducted by Aflac highlighted a shocking trend within organisations: More than half of employees are facing at least moderate levels of burnout. Yet only 45 per cent of employers are even aware that burnout is a problem for their organisations. This is a failure of leadership, and long term it’s going to cause these organisations significant cultural and talent problems. Thankfully, there are solutions, and they start w....
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Get Our Exclusive White Paper Now: Boosting Employee Engagement And Retention Through Leadership Strategy

In an era of quiet quitting and unprecedented staff churn, leadership's role in building a winning company culture has never been so critical. With the 360 degree survey sitting at the centre, organisations are able to determine whether their company culture is meeting and exceeding employee expectations, as it now needs to. MRS has developed a white paper to look at the strategy behind better employee engagement. In it, we share actiona....
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Conflict Resolution Is One Of The Most Critical Skills Of Any Manager

Conflict is inevitable within the workplace. This is especially true given that the modern workplace actively aims to encourage a diversity of backgrounds, political leanings, ethnicities, genders, and sexualities. That diversity results in a broader range of ideas and innovation. The challenge that it creates is that it also means that there will be times where personalities clash. One of the most important abilities that any 360 Degree Asse....
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 What Qualities Do You Want In A Leader?

Business leaders need to wear a lot of hats. They need to keep projects on time and on budget, report on team performance and take directions from their direct reports and/or the company board, and manage their team all the while looking to help build success stories. It’s a lot to manage, and the consequences of under-managing are significant – a poor leader can result in anything from budget blowouts to your best talent leaving the company, an....
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Why it’s important to allow employees to provide feedback on their managers, too

There are many different forms of feedback within an organisation, and while often overlooked, the 360 degree assessment is an essential one. Traditional forms of feedback can include: Performance Reviews – generally an annual review in which the employee’s overall performance and growth as an individual is assessed. These reviews are generally accompanied with pay reviews. Constructive Criticism – when someone’s performance or behavi....
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Leadership Development – It actually starts with YOU!

Executives have the greatest impact in most, if not all organizations. Their interconnected network directly affects the success of the organization, as most business decisions go through them. As such, it is crucial for these leaders to receive all-round feedback on their leadership competencies and capabilities from all stakeholders. The result of such feedback will help them better understand their behavioral tendencies – maximizing existing ....
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YouTube continuously “listens” to their users, can organizations do the same for employees?

Millions of people around the world spend a good chunk of their day watching videos on YouTube. Clearly, there is a strong level of user-engagement. YouTube’s success can be partially attributed to an algorithm that they developed which tracks the type of videos a user watches, and subsequently feeds them similar videos. The key here is real-time tracking. By continuously listening to users’ digital consumption behaviors, it becomes straightforw....
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