Developing Emotional Intelligence with a 360 Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. Emotional intelligence influences relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being. Here at MultiRater Surveys, we are a big believer in the Mayer-Salovey model, which offers a well-structured, and practical approach to understanding Emotional Intelligence.  We broke down the four underlying traits of the Mayer-Salovey model, and created a 360 Emotion....
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Different Types of Leadership Styles: Not one size fits all

One of the factors that directly determines an organization’s success, and longevity, is their leaders. The amount of time spent developing great leaders, and not just good managers, is highly correlated with employee productivity and engagement, the bottom line, and long-term success. As a result, countless leadership development programs have been developed throughout the years to “grow” leaders. There’s always an as....
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Apply These Three Concepts to Kickstart Your Leadership Journey

Starting the Journey: Starting Point, Potential & Context Rainer Maria Rilke once said “The only journey is the journey within”, which is a very succinct statement regarding leadership development as our measure of leadership capability should very much be compared to where you start. It is the improvement in leadership capability that should be measured and celebrated, not whether you are the “best” leader. Your ....
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How To Identify Common Developmental Areas In Leadership Development

At all levels of leadership, there is a need to inspire, innovate, and empower teams. Learning how to do so is an important part of the leadership journey, and one that needs to be planned – a great leader rarely just happens. This is why the 360-degree feedback survey is such a valuable tool. The qualities of a good leader While there is almost a limitless number of ways that a leader can prove themselves to be exceptional, some of t....
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Leadership Self-Awareness Case Studies: A Perfect Leader?

Snapshot: Following our last edition of the Self-Awareness case study, we have gathered another example of an existing manager from the same 200-employee company who possesses a non-optimal level of self-awareness – this time, exhibiting very high self-confidence. For the sake of anonymity, the manager in question will be referred to as John Smith. Overconfidence?  Nothing screams “red-flag” more than a manager who....
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Leadership Self-Awareness Case Studies: Are you being too critical of your leadership abilities?

“The report has nailed it. We need to make [Jane] aware that she's doing a much better job in every leadership area than she gives herself credit for.” CEO of the organization Snapshot: A 200-employee company recently conducted an organization-wide 360-degree review for their middle & senior managers using the MultiRater Surveys platform. In addition to the 360 Degree Leadership Feedback Survey Report they were able to access....
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First Look at Our Brand New Leadership Self-Awareness Report

Defining Great Leadership Over the last few years, we've been investigating whether there is one key factor that sets apart good, and great leadership. With the rise of Emotional Intelligence - currently one of, if not the hottest topic within the executive world - we believe our team at MultiRater Surveys have found an answer. It is Self-Awareness. Not only does Self-Awareness underpin great leadership, it is also the foundation to ....
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Three signs of an emotionally intelligent organization

It is no surprise in the current modern business world that many organizations are fixated on the term: Emotional Intelligence (EQ). But firstly let's clarify the definition, because there appear to be quite a few differing views: EQ is the ability to understand and reflect on your own emotions and how they affect the people around you. By being able to regulate your own emotions you can manage them to achieve positive results. But wha....
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Emotional Intelligence Survey

Emotional Intelligence Survey Background Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to reason accurately about emotions and to use them to enhance behavior and cognition. There has been increasing interest in this construct over the last 20 years, with a multitude of studies linking EI to improved productivity, retention, adaptability, leadership capability, and overall performance[1][2][3]. EI can be developed in your ....
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Emotional Intelligence: What is it, and why should we measure it?

Emotional Intelligence: What is it, and why should we measure it? IQ vs EI Until recently, many companies relied on IQ as a gold standard measure of success. Employees and leaders with higher IQ were considered to be more successful, intelligent, and a better hire, and to an extent the evidence supported this[1]. However, many are now realizing that IQ is only a part of the full picture. With the turn of the century, in....
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