Conducting a Culture Check-in Survey for Organizations in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizational culture has never been a more critical success factor than in 2024. From employee satisfaction, to productivity, business performance, and ultimately, the bottom line. With continuous disruptions to the workplace around remote/hybrid work, AI integrations, and the increasing focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Truth is, conducting regular check-in surveys is a necessity. A questionnaire that deep dives into the emp....
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Embracing the Evolution of Leadership Development: A Perspective Shift

In the dynamic landscape of leadership, the ability to adapt and evolve is not just a good-to-have but an absolute necessity. Modern leadership development goes beyond the confines of traditional skill acquisition; it embodies a continuous journey of growth and transformation. At its core, this journey is all about perspective—an ever-shifting lens through which leaders perceive, interpret, and navigate the complexities of their roles and e....
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Leadership Checklist 2023: Did your organization work on these challenges?

At the start of the year, DDI published their forecast on the leadership landscape for 2023. The expansive report highlighted critical challenges that C-suite executives and HR professionals will be facing for the next three years. At the heart of the report, was a simple question: Is it enough? Across 1,556 organizations around the world, leaders are questioning whether their efforts to engage and motivate their people are enough. From C....
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YouTube continuously “listens” to their users, can organizations do the same for employees?

Millions of people around the world spend a good chunk of their day watching videos on YouTube. Clearly, there is a strong level of user-engagement. YouTube’s success can be partially attributed to an algorithm that they developed which tracks the type of videos a user watches, and subsequently feeds them similar videos. The key here is real-time tracking. By continuously listening to users’ digital consumption behaviors, it becomes straightforw....
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Renewed Focus on Training and Development

Renewed Focus on Training and Development When was the last time you were asked for your feedback on training and development programs at your workplace? Over the last 12 months of managing client engagement surveys, we have identified an increasing trend of employees seeking further training and development opportunities. Unfortunately, due to this very uncertain world we find ourselves in, management teams are not increasing investment ....
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LX + EX = CX The New Formula for Business Success!!

LX + EX = CX        The New Formula for Business Success!! LX           =             Is the perception that employees have about their management team which is directly related to their managers’ leadership capability (at all levels) EX           =             Is the perception that employees have about their employer which is directly related to their level of employee engagement CX           =             Is the perception by customers of th....
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Leadership Resource Round-up - Week 2!

Leadership Resource Round-up - Week 2! In our second installment of the MultiRater Surveys leadership resource round up we have collated an exciting new list of articles, podcasts, courses and whitepapers around all things leadership. Article New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet by The Atlantic Around the globe, there is a clear trend that countries' who have had an effective response to COVID-19 are all go....
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Leading Remote Teams is Challenging – Survival Tips for Leaders

Leading Remote Teams is Challenging – Survival Tips for Leaders Managing direct reports has always been a challenge for most managers, but add to this the increase in direct reports working remotely from home and this aspect of day-to-day leadership just became exponentially more difficult. Covid-19 has changed our workplaces for ever, employees working from home is going to be the new normal and all managers need to chan....
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Emotional Intelligence: What is it, and why should we measure it?

Emotional Intelligence: What is it, and why should we measure it? IQ vs EI Until recently, many companies relied on IQ as a gold standard measure of success. Employees and leaders with higher IQ were considered to be more successful, intelligent, and a better hire, and to an extent the evidence supported this[1]. However, many are now realizing that IQ is only a part of the full picture. With the turn of the century, in....
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Are Your Leaders Burning Out Your Employees?

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization classified Burn-Out as an occupational phenomenon resulting from chronic workplace stress. The phenomenon is characterized by the following symptoms[1]: Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion Increased mental distance, negativity or cynicism toward one’s job; and Reduced professional efficacy This has detrimental effects on both the employee&rsq....
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