How to consistently SELECT future High Performers!

There can be no doubt that choosing the right people for the right jobs is one of the most important contributors to organisational effectiveness. However, in many organisations, rather than being systematic and using sound, objective evidence, the recruitment selection process is a relatively unstructured, intuitive and gut-feel process.

The problem with this approach is that a range of emotional responses prevent an objective assessment of the candidate. These 'observational pitfalls' – which we are all subject to - include first impressions, stereotyping and projection (which in this instance refers to our inclination to expect similarities between ourselves and others).

Engagement Levels of Australian Employees

When you consider that Australian managers only rate about one quarter of their direct reports as being high performers, only 24% of employees report themselves as fully engaged in their roles and the reality that the traditional selection process of resume, interview and reference checking only provides 26% of the relevant information about an individual applying for a particular job – we have a real problem. Simply, the traditional recruitment process does not work.

Why then are management teams so reticent to embrace science in areas of human capital (even though science will increase the success rate of selecting future high performers by 300%) but so quick to embrace science in all other parts of the organisation?

One fact is certain, those that do not embrace modern thinking and science in their HR/People processes will not win the war for talent.


If you can identify with any of these challenges and would like to find the secret sauce for consistently selecting the best job candidate for your role, join us for our 30 minute webinar on Wednesday 31st August from 12:00 to 12:30 PM AEST.

