New Company Mental Health Profile Survey Template

Identifying risks to mental health in the workplace and designing strategies to mitigate these risks is essential to ensuring a healthy and safe environment for all employees. This is particularly important given current estimations that 1 in 6 working-age adults struggle with mental illness. Workplaces that promote positive mental health and provide appropriate mental health services reduce absenteeism, improve engagement, and increase productivity. MultiRater Surveys is proud to announce our new Company Mental Health Profile Survey Template. This Mental Health Survey identifies risks to employee mental health within your organization, to direct future mental health initiatives, and to inform work design. It measures whether the mental health needs of the employee are being met and whether the organization is providing the appropriate support to mitigate against risks. By assessing the work design rather than requiring employees to report symptoms, it enables the organization to make positive organization-wide changes that can improve employee wellbeing. The Company Mental Health Profile Survey provides executive management with an organizational measure concerning the following areas which can impact on employee mental health:
  • Work Demands – Characteristics of the job which are psychologically demanding
  • Work Purpose – The sense of purpose offered by your job
  • Relationships – Relationships between yourself, your role, and others in your organization
  • Work-Individual Interface – Effects of your job on your personal life, and vice versa
  • Inclusivity and Diversity – The extent to which your job is accepting and inclusive of different cultures, races, genders, and personalities
  • Mental Health Culture – Mental health values and initiatives in your organization
  • Willingness to seek support – Individuals propensity to ask for help if you are struggling physically or psychologically
  • Resilience – Individuals ability to persevere in the face of setbacks
This new survey template is now live in your survey centre. If you are not a subscriber of MultiRater Surveys then sign up for our free 14 day trial here or if you would like to organise an online demo then please use booking form here.