Tips For A Successful 360 Debrief Process

Once an individual has completed a 360 survey it is recommended that their manager conducts a debrief session in order to facilitate the development of an effective Leadership Action Plan. 360 feedback surveys are one of the most powerful self-development programs for experienced and aspiring leaders, but to be most effective the self-respondent needs to take ownership of the survey data. The role of the debriefer is not necessarily to coach the individual but more to assist them to understand the perceptions detailed in the report and guide them on the areas they need to develop. Although they are not coaching, the debriefer will need to be able to summarise and link competencies for a more holistic interpretation.

Please see below our recommended process to effectively debrief 360 feedback surveys

1. It is best not to give the report to the respondent before your debrief. When you sit down with the respondent it should be the first time they see the report.

2. Read through the report with the respondent and note the following:

  1. Flag any overall Strengths.
  2. Flag any overall Development Areas.
  3. Check for any areas where there is a gap between respondent groups. Discuss why this might be.
  4. Check for questions where there is a large range in the scores. The average may be acceptable but if there is a large range then at least one person is not happy. Discuss why this might be.
  5. Read through the comments, generally you will find that the comments reinforce the development areas you have already identified

3. Select a maximum of four areas that the respondent should develop (a minimum of one strength and a minimum of two development areas).

4. Complete a leadership action plan:

  1. What is the outcome required.
  2. What actions/responsibilities does the respondent need to do to achieve the outcome and leadership success.
  3. What actions/responsibilities does the respondents manager need to do to achieve the outcome and leadership success.
  4. What actions/responsibilities, if any, does the respondents direct reports need to do to achieve the outcome and leadership success.
  5. What actions/responsibilities, if any, does the respondents peers need to do to achieve the outcome and leadership success.

5. To ensure accountability the respondent should thank the respondents who offered feedback and share the action items from their development plan with these individuals.

The debrief session is the most critical stage of the process. The key outcome is to implement a development plan to improve the capability of the individual. To do this effectively the feedback needs to be communicated properly and succinctly. To help you to create a leadership action plan download our online template.