How do leading organisations implement leadership development

The challenge for today’s business owners and executive leadership teams is to realize that they will never maximize their revenue and profit potential if they do not develop leaders at all levels. Recent studies have found that a staggering 95% of organizations do not spend any resources developing leadership capability below the senior executive level. This has resulted in over 80% of our employees having to report to a manager/supervi....
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Land of the free and disengaged?

In a recent study by Gallup on the State of the American Workforce, Gallup estimated that “disengaged employees cost the USA between $483 billion and $605 billion each year in lost productivity.” This quantum of lost productivity would be relative on a pro-rata basis to all western economies. $605 billion is a staggering amount in anyone’s language, especially when it equates to $4,800 per full-time employee, but the great ne....
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LinkedIn’s Head of Recruitment is WRONG !

LinkedIn’s Head of Recruitment (Brendan Browne) recently wrote that there are two major hiring mistakes, he is only wrong because there are actually 6 major hiring mistakes!!” And all of these mistakes are costing Australian business billions of dollars.   Brendan Browne quite rightly identifies two mistakes: Hiring managers set unrealistic expectations They are focused on hiring the supe....
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Three Reasons Your Employees Are Miserable At Work

I recently read an article by Marcel Schwantes titled “3 Reasons Your Employees Are Miserable at Work (and What to Do About It)” and he identified the three root causes of job misery being: Anonymity The feeling employees get when they realise their manager has little interest in them Irrelevance When employees cannot see how their job makes a difference Immeasurement The inability for employe....
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People Analytics is now a Key Business Priority of Successful Organisations

The Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2016 study found that 77% of executives now consider people analytics as a key business priority. And if HR wants to become more relevant to the C-Suite by solving business problems, not HR problems, then this is certainly an area that they should be focusing on. To highlight further the need for HR to be more proactive it has been noted that in some leading organisations the C-Suite have removed the pe....
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Do you want HR innovation? Start by asking yourself: “Is there a better way?”

When was the last time you asked yourself this very simple question? or When was the last time your HR, L&D and management teams reviewed current people capital outcomes, and the underlying processes, and then actively questioned whether there were potentially better options available via new/different technologies and processes? It is clear that CEOs want their HR professionals to focus on business problems, not HR....
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Millennials have been dealt a lousy hand and employers now have to fix it

Late last year Simon Sinek was interviewed about Millennials/Gen Y (1981-1997) and the challenges that employers are facing in the management of this generation. This would be the most insightful discussion I have heard about this most complicated generation and below I have attempted to summarise the salient points. Simon talks about the “entitled” Millennial’s need to find jobs that provide purpose and impact, and y....
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The C-Suite is getting very frustrated with HR, but who is to blame?

Before we look at who is to blame and why, we first need to look at the underlying reasons senior management teams are getting frustrated with their HR/L&D teams.   These are the challenges facing the C-Suite: ?70% of Australian workers are either ambivalent or completely disengaged in their jobs - Gallup, 2013 47% of Australian managers believe their employee turnover is too high - AHRI ....
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Selling the HR Business Case? Try this!

If you attended this week’s HR TECH FEST in Melbourne (Nov 28 to 29, 2016) as we at Peoplogica did, you will have been amazed by the insights, presentations, and information provided by thought-leaders and case-study presenters, as well as the abundance of technology-related solutions and analytical services on display. A ‘hot-topic’ discussed often with great passion was ‘How do HR people get internal business ....
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HR Tech Fest 2016 - What did we learn?

Over 520 HR professionals converged on Melbourne to celebrate and share ideas on talent, technology and innovation that is transforming the future of work. After two days of presentations, views, commentary and discussions, a definite theme emerged: “To become more relevant to the C-Suite HR professionals must embrace disruption and innovation and solve business problems, not HR problems” &n....
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