The First 90 Days

For many folks this year will mark the start of a new role, quite possibly with a new organisation. Many will be rolling up to their new corporate offices, 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' with a sense of excitement, enthusiasm... and maybe just a little concern. The concern could be borne of any number of thoughts going through their minds - "Have I made the right move?", "Will I be successful here?", "How suppo....
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This Valentine's Day, Love your Employees!!!

At Peoplogica our motto is “Love Your Work”. It’s a state of mind we’re dedicated to helping everybody achieve. And by helping you to identify and help your team members do what they are best suited to, chances are your colleagues (and boss) will be saying it more often, about your work too! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we thought we’d share some ideas on how you can help your team mem....
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Lessons of the square watermelon!

Maybe this story about square watermelons will make you challenge the way you currently recruit and performance manage your people!   If nothing else you will be asking yourself “Is there a better way?   ---------------------------------   Japanese grocery stores had a problem, as they are much smaller than Australian supermarkets, they really don't have any room to waste....
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Head & Heart Leadership (The 14-Inch Journey)

Let me kick off with a bold statement... Leadership is a verb. Not a noun. It's a series of considered actions and behaviours which have the intent of garnering willing followership For over 15 years I've been banging on about my belief that the purpose of leadership is, ultimately, to create a culture of leadership where a critical mass of the folks in the organisation commit autonomous acts of leadership. regardless of whether they have a leade....
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The Power of 'And'

I probably ought to walk away from the keyboard right now and not write this article. Because I'm cranky. My Mother always said "Take a deep breath, count to 10 slowly and reassess what you're thinking of doing." Good advice Mum - I'm going to ignore it today though...See, I'm getting so tired of the 'either/or' arguments or exhortations that keep getting posted on LinkedIn. This morning's is "You hired them for their strengths. Why focus on th....
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Malcolm In The Middle... Lead The Way

The corporate world has been delayering for a couple of decades now, shedding headcount from all levels of their organisations. When it's all said and done though there still tends to be 3 levels of stratification - the senior executives, middle management and the folks who do what gets invoiced, the workforce.  When we look at what occupies each of those groups' minds, emotions and efforts here too we see 3 points of emphasis. Senior ....
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