Connect the dots...

In my last article entitled “Improving leadership potential” I wrote about the need to have clarity about expectation and current state. The diagnostic phase… Having undertaken rigorous diagnosis, attention now moves to the process of ‘shifting the needle’… One of my best friends and a genuine mentor for many years, Glenn Dobson, owns the KONA Group. One of its core offerings is in salesforce capab....
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How to consistently SELECT future High Performers!

There can be no doubt that choosing the right people for the right jobs is one of the most important contributors to organisational effectiveness. However, in many organisations, rather than being systematic and using sound, objective evidence, the recruitment selection process is a relatively unstructured, intuitive and gut-feel process. The problem with this approach is that a range of emotional responses prevent an objective assessm....
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Is Anyone displaying Courageous Leadership anymore?

We have Australian politicians that are more preoccupied with being right and always disagreeing with the opposing party, than they are with improving the lives of all Australians. Just once I would like to hear a politician say that someone on the opposing side had a great idea and that it would be supported. Just once I would like to see political courage, the courage to do something that is not “political” but is in the best int....
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How to Attract Better Quality Candidates

One of the greatest challenges that business owners and managers face is the employee selection process, with most approaching it with trepidation and sometimes outright fear. Unfortunately this fear is well founded as the traditional recruitment process of resume, interview and reference checking only delivers a future high performing employee 26% of the time. However, you can dramatically improve your odds of selecting high performer....
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10 Tips for Implementing a Social Media Recruiting Strategy

 One of the fastest-growing recruiting trends in recent years has been social recruiting—searching and scouting people on social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter—to fill open positions. With billions of people using social networks, it’s no wonder that recruiters are turning to them to find potential candidates. If you’ve never done social recruiting or implemented a social recruiting ....
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Goods for Greater Good!

As many of you will have seen on LinkedIn we recently announced our partnership with NFP Good360 Australia. We’ll be providing a range of people capital services to them, assisting them to attract, select, develop and retain high-performers, all pro-bono. Good360 connects charities with businesses looking to donate excess non-perishable stock (kitchenware, clothing, furniture, Manchester, stationery etc) and was set up in Austral....
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If only Employees were Cars!!

(an analogy that will make you rethink your current employee selection processes) Australian managers rate about one quarter of their employees as high performers, about 50% as being adequate to very good and the final one quarter as being not-yet-competent (sub-standard). Which beggars the question:   WHY??? Why do business owners and managers accept such poor outcomes and, even worse, are content to kee....
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What was Warren Buffett talking about when he said “Isn’t that a little like saving up sex for your old age?”

I guess that I have your attention now!   The full quote from Warren is:   “There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn’t that a little like saving up ....
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GOOGLE: An interview with Laszlo Bock (Google’s Snr VP – People Operations)

Recently the ABC’s “WorkLife” Program conducted a very insightful podcast with Laszlo Bock and others on “Let’s improve the way we hire people” (listen).   The key message through this podcast is that the vast majority of employers are not very successful at selecting future high performers because their selection processes are less than adequate. I thought that Laszlo made some very ins....
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When do your managers really need an external coach?

There are three indisputable facts when it comes to providing coaching and training to managers and employees: We know that about half of the training is wasted, we just don’t know which half We find it hard to justify using an external resource, mainly due to us not wanting to admit we can’t do it ourselves There is not an obvious direct correlation between the benefits received and the cost of the se....
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