The ROI of People: Measuring the ROI of 360 Performance Appraisals

It is a reality in business that senior managers want to, and should make sure all their business operations are producing a positive Return on Investment (ROI). This requirement should also include the people in which the company invests its time and money to hire, train and develop for the growth and success of the organization. Over the years, as more companies began seeing the importance of effective leadership, their investment in leaders....
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Improve the leadership capability of all first time people managers

Improve the leadership capability of all first time people managers Moving from an individual contributor role into a team leader role and taking on more leadership responsibilities can be a daunting experience for some. The key change is realizing that the team performance is more important than your individual performance. For most people, their initial leadership attributes are mirrored off past and current managers. This imitation ....
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Land of the free and disengaged?

In a recent study by Gallup on the State of the American Workforce, Gallup estimated that “disengaged employees cost the USA between $483 billion and $605 billion each year in lost productivity.” This quantum of lost productivity would be relative on a pro-rata basis to all western economies. $605 billion is a staggering amount in anyone’s language, especially when it equates to $4,800 per full-time employee, but the great ne....
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95% of Managers/Supervisors Don’t Receive Leadership Development

In a recent study conducted by 2015 Brandon Hall Group, it was found that only 5% of organisations provided leadership development below the senior executive level.   This means that over 80% of our employees report to managers and supervisors that have not been given the leadership and people management development they dearly need, and want.   Is it any wonder that we find ourselves in the following ....
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The C-Suite is getting very frustrated with HR, but who is to blame?

Before we look at who is to blame and why, we first need to look at the underlying reasons senior management teams are getting frustrated with their HR/L&D teams.   These are the challenges facing the C-Suite: ?70% of Australian workers are either ambivalent or completely disengaged in their jobs - Gallup, 2013 47% of Australian managers believe their employee turnover is too high - AHRI ....
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Why am I hiring a champion one month and a dud the next?

It must be one of the most frustrating aspects of being a manager and business owner, no matter what you do there is a level of inconsistency in the selection process that would never be tolerated in other parts of your business. Which begs the question: “Why are most managers happy with the inconsistency of recruitment? Well they must be happy because I do not see them challenging the situation and actively looking for a better ....
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Measuring Organisational Culture and Employee Engagement

Most senior executives and business owners have some level of preoccupation with catalysing their culture to higher levels of performance and/or excellence. In a world characterised by exacting deadlines, relentless competition, limited resources, globalisation and unwavering expectations from customers, shareholders and employees alike, “culture” seems to be so much more important these days and must be recognised as a significant....
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Connect the dots...

In my last article entitled “Improving leadership potential” I wrote about the need to have clarity about expectation and current state. The diagnostic phase… Having undertaken rigorous diagnosis, attention now moves to the process of ‘shifting the needle’… One of my best friends and a genuine mentor for many years, Glenn Dobson, owns the KONA Group. One of its core offerings is in salesforce capab....
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Is Anyone displaying Courageous Leadership anymore?

We have Australian politicians that are more preoccupied with being right and always disagreeing with the opposing party, than they are with improving the lives of all Australians. Just once I would like to hear a politician say that someone on the opposing side had a great idea and that it would be supported. Just once I would like to see political courage, the courage to do something that is not “political” but is in the best int....
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When do your managers really need an external coach?

There are three indisputable facts when it comes to providing coaching and training to managers and employees: We know that about half of the training is wasted, we just don’t know which half We find it hard to justify using an external resource, mainly due to us not wanting to admit we can’t do it ourselves There is not an obvious direct correlation between the benefits received and the cost of the se....
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